As part of my morning devotional I use Common Worship Daily Prayers. This week I was struck afresh in the intercessory prayers section for the day where it said, "Pray for those who have no-one to pray for them".
This struck me as odd, then sad. I imagined going through life with no-one ever bothering to pray for me. I wondered how this would might make me feel. Of course, for the non-believer that might not seem an issue, but the more I thought about it I realised that a lot of my prayer time is acutally praying for Christians. it made me consider if I should be more outward-focused in my praying for others just as much as those within the church.
If we believe prayer works and feel blessed when others pray for us, maybe we should be a bit more intentional in praying for others, whether they are aware of it or not.
Whether someone else believes in the power of prayer or not it should make little difference to our own attitude towards them. We give of ourselves with no strings attached. I believe this is partly what it means to be generous with the gospel. As grace has been lavished on us, surely we can find the inspiration to lavish the same grace on others?
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