We have a new release from Vineyard Record UK coming out called My Soul Yearns on 30 June, so place your order now.
Blurb from the VRUK website:
"It was recorded live at the 2011 Vineyard National Leaders Conference with 1000 attendees comprising of leaders from the UK and European Vineyard churches, ‘My Soul Yearns’ offers an album of new and recently released worship songs that capture the heart and passion of Vineyard worship.
"With the opening title track that speaks of our desire to draw closer to God, through to the triumphal anthem of God’s all conquering love for His people (The Lamb Has Conquered), and finishing with a declaration of the King’s reign on this earth (Jesus You Reign), this album is an authentic expression of how God is moving with Holy power through the Vineyard UK movement where worship is one of its cornerstones."
Features worship leaders on 'My Soul Yearns' include Samuel Lane, Dave Miller, Carly Billingham and Joe Blustin, accompanied by their band which includes former Delirious? band member Paul Evans on drums. Produced by Trevor Michael (crave, Trent, Delirious?), the album was mastered at Abbey Road studios by Geoff Pesche (Gorillaz, Athlete, Coldplay).
The track I personally love is "I respond". A great audio snapshot from an outstanding national leaders conference. One to remember. One to get.
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