Our church has just begun its third annual Summer of Love campaign. This is our own particular response to serving one another and our community with love and kindness while we take August off from Sunday services.
During the process of planning I have been reflecting on the personal sacrifce that has to be made to make something like this actually work.
In essence, it needs us to be willing to put ourselves out a bit. We are great at talking up this stuff, sharing past stories, but at the end of Summer it will either happened or not.
To that end, I like what Steve Sjogren has to say about it:
It’s all about doing the work, not talking about the work.
Leaders aren’t leaders until they lead.
Writers aren’t writers until they write.
Worship leaders are so until they bring others into worship.
Evangelists are only evangelists when they evangelise. Connect with the Lost.
Don’t just talk. Do the work. Start today.
As ever, Steve cuts to the chase. Guess we had better listen to him and start then!
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